
HeJin (K84-5272) was presented to a "proud middle class white couple" in Belgium, 1985. Since then she has crossed the gender divide, and moved through two continents to end up living in a third; as a result she eats kimchi with her pap and wors, and makes kimbap for her friend's braais. An autodidact in every way, she has overeducated herself in many useless things, considers correct use of the semi-colon the apex of sexiness, and recently decided that quiting smoking is as valid a hobby as any other. Subject to an inane obsession with languages she speaks Dutch, English, French, Afrikaans, Esperanto, and puts effort into Korean and Xhosa. HeJin loves pain, cupcakes and Palmer's cocoa butter; she is not an addict, she is an activist; she is not a writer, but tries to be a story (... when she feels like it ^_^)